Hip dysplasia is a common skeletal disease which occurs when a dog’s hip joints don’t quite develop correctly, allowing the hips to partially dislocate.
What is Hip Dysplasia?
During the growth of your dog, both the femur and the pelvis must grow at equal rates for optimal health. When a dog is diagnosed with hip dysplasia, it means that this uniform bone growth during puppyhood did not occur. When a dog is diagnosed with this condition, it can mean painful wear-and-tear to extreme difficulty getting around.
Is your dog showing signs of hip dysplasia?
Dogs with hip dysplasia may show signs of what can look like arthritis or painful joints, difficulty moving and general stiffness. Your dog's hind-end will tend to be lame and or weaker than normal. Because hip dysplasia is almost always being inherited, there is really no way to prevent it, however there are lots of options to treat and manage it.
How it Happens
Hip dysplasia is mostly a genetic condition, although there can be other factors that contribute to the problem such as environmental and dietary factors. Dogs of all sizes and breeds are susceptible to canine Hip dysplasia, although it is more prominent in larger dog breeds. Some environmental factors that cause or worsen the condition are rapid weight gain and obesity, putting an excessive strain on the joints, nutritional factors and pelvic muscle mass.
Dog Owners Agree, CBD Works!
One of the key reasons vets are so eager to study the medicinal uses of CBD in pets, is that claims from the pet owners who praise the benefits of CBD helping reduce pain and improve mobility continue to stack up. Although these claims should not be discounted - nor believed blindly on face value. Many pet owners that use CBD for dogs are doing it to ease the symptoms.
Track Progress
Keeping a journal or a video of before and after several days is a great way to track progress. If you use a CBD product, this may help you decide if it's having the positive effect you're looking for. You can ask your family/friends if they’ve noticed any difference in your dog too, without letting them know that you’ve been giving CBD.
Speak to a Doctor
We always recommend speaking to your veterinarian about your pet's health first, but keep in mind that if you and your veterinarian decide that CBD is right for your dog as a treatment, not all oils are the same. To learn more about our high-quality CBD Pet Products, click here.
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